The most special day of the year, the weather is awesome and I'm feeling exellent!
I've got up to an early start today since I had German class (more on that later) in the morning. But besides that, it is a lovely day! :-)
At German class they sung me Happy Birthday in German, it was cool. I've written it down for you to read:
Viel Glück und viel Segen,
auf al deinen Wegen.
Gesundheit und Wohlstand
sei auch mit dabei!
which literally translates to:
Much luck and much benediction,
on all your ways.
Health and Prosperity,
may also be added to the list.
bye for now..
While writing this, I was listening to "Wake Up" by The Arcade Fire
Quote of the Day:
Wherever you are -- be there.
Happy birthday! You are, well - you're considerably older than me, but that does not make it so you can't say "yay"!
Mike.... estas bien loco... y cada vez mas viejo...
¡Feliz cumpleaños! ...atrasadito!
Un abrazo, e.
Yo te felicité el mero dia por tel, pero no está de mas volverlo a hacer.
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